Cue the confetti cannons and pop the champagne!
Quin & Fern is now live.
You'll never see jewellery classics the same way again.
We're curating silver classics inspired by the jewellery world's incredible history - filled with stories of courage, discovery, triumph, and creativity. Stories of impressively badass humans doing seemingly impossible things that shaped a centuries-old industry.
Their stories will make your jaw drop, your heart burst, and your nose snort with laughter.
You'll see silver classics in a whole new light - because jewellery is so much more than just 'pretty' things.
Our first collection is now live.
It's a celebration of the remarkable changemakers that defied all odds to shape the course of pearls' history. The very fact we have pearls like these at all is tangible proof that anything is possible.
Check out the Empowered Pearl collection here, and find more about its story in our Curator's Notes.
We can't wait to hear what you love about it.
We're here to help.
And hey, if you have any questions or need advice on selecting the perfect gift for an occasion, we're just a click away. Email us at or DM us on Instagram - we're always happy to chat.
We're thrilled to have you here, and we're so excited to begin this exciting journey of discovery together.
Happy shopping!
Liz, Matthew and Ryan
The Quin & Fern Team